About the 9905-194
Control model 9905-194 from the Load Sharing and Speed control by Woodward for the 2301A series is a forward-acting, low voltage model. The actuator current on the control operates at 0-20 mA and has a speed set input of 4-20 mA. With twenty-nine terminals for connection between load-sharing lines, minimum-fuel contact, speed trim or jumper, and many other contacts can be connected through the terminal.
Before starting up your control and prime mover adjust the potentiometers on your control, the load gain on your control should be set in the range of mid-position. To adjust the load gain on your control have the generator that the control is attached to has to run isochronously and not paralleled, crank up the prime mover and apply the full load, then measure the voltage of the load signal and alter the potentiometer of the load gain for six volts.
The speed control system you are using to attach to your prime mover is made up of five parts; one of those is a frequency to voltage converter, the purpose of this device is to convert the ac signal from the speed sensor through the control and changes it to a correlative dc voltage.