About the DMR-152QL-0120
The DMR-152QL-0120 is one of the several models in the DataMan series of barcode readers and scanners. Developed, built, and initially produced and distributed by the industrial optics manufacturer Cognex, the DMR-152QL-0120 is a 152 model, one of four (the other three labeled as 150, 260, and then 262.)
This model is outfitted with only the 1DMax code recognition software, and is capable of deciphering barcode labels that are badly printed or warped or manipulated from damage. The 1DMax software, with the Hotbars II software package is able to read barcode labels as small as 0.8 pixels per module, and able to decode them at 45 decodes per second.
The image resolution that the DMR-152QL-0120 is able to process is at 1280 x 960 pixels, and captured by the ⅓ inch CMOS (complementary metal/oxide semiconductor) imager, and a lens option of either 6.2 or 16 millimeters. The image acquisition rate is at 45 frames per second. There’s an integrated lighting system of LEDs to make sure that an external light hardware isn’t needed.
This model is also designed with two physical configurations, the standard in-line, with dimensions of 43.1 mm x 22.4 mm x 55 (63) mm, and then the 90 degree right angle configuration, which is 43.1 mm x 28.8 (35.8) mm x 49.3 mm. The DMR-152QL-0120 model’s weight is up to 128 grams. It's made of an aluminum frame, and protected with an IP-65 rated case.