About the ISM1110-00
During the operation of the ISM1110-00 vision system, it will typically operate around a maximum frame rate of sixty full frames per second but it should be noted that the maximum frame rate per second relies solely on the chosen job and is also based on the minimum exposure needed for a full image frame capture utilizing the dedicated acquisition trigger; it should also be noted that it must be assumed that a user interface connection to the vision system is not being used. One of the predominant reasons that this model was designed was for its use in situations where a compact and network-ready vision system is required.
Not only does the ISM1110-00 model have the ability to inspect and identify but it can also guide. When performing a guide application the model will be used for handling robots and their general alignments as well as helping with the guidance of the pick and place in inspection and assembly applications with both accuracy and speed. All of the aforementioned features related to the guiding application with this model will generally eradicate the need for expensive fixtures and will instead authorize more flexible manufacturing.
One downside of owning and using the ISM1110-00 is that only one toolset is available on the unit. While most of the In-Sight Micro Vision Systems have essential and extended toolsets the only toolset available on this device is the ID toolset which is well equipped for text reading and verification as well as image filtering, and 1D/2D barcode verification and reading.