Frequently Asked Questions about P1H-014DR
What features characterize a CTC Parker Automation P1H-014DR P1H power station?
A P1H-014DR power station is a model number that designates one of two P1H configuration power stations. The other configuration is the P1H-314DR. The difference between the two configurations is that the P1H-014DR power station is a Mono LCD – FLASH power station with monochromatic features and the P1H-314DR is a power station with color STN – FLASH characteristics. Both configurations have an AC power of 90 to 260 VAC at 50 to 60 Hz and require a maximum power consumption of 50 watts. The DC power requirement is 18 to 30 VCD with a maximum power consumption of 25 watts.
What is the temperature range at which a CTC Parker Automation P1H-014DR P1H power station and a P1H-314DR can function?
The temperature range of the two P1H power station CTC Parker Automation configurations is listed as a range from 0 to 45 degrees C. The humidity requirement is from 5-95% (non-condensing). These units are designed with an end weight of 3.3 lbs. (1.5 Kg) and are 7.7 inches by 5.6 inches by 3.2 inches. This is equivalent to dimensions of 194.7 x 142.7 x 81 mm. The unit has a vibration listing of 10-150 Hz, 1G.