About the 620L-0022-400-0010-US-ENW-0000-000-B0-000-000
The Eurotherm 620L-0022-400-0010-US-ENW-0000-000-B0-000-000 enables speed control of induction motors with an encoder. It also provides for a co-processor and ports for a fibre optic communications network.
The Eurotherm 620L-0022-400-0010-US-ENW-0000-000-B0-000-000 features a control panel that provides multiple avenues for the operator to interface with the device. The operator can view LEDs and error messages to diagnose errors, directly control the motor, and modify the application program. The control panel features a 2-line display, a keypad with clearly marked keys, and 5 LED indicators.
At start up the control panel is in Remote Mode. Remote mode uses a series on menus on the display to enable the user to view and modify the application program and parameters. For example, the operator can modify the serial port parameters or view the error and alarm messages.
The menu structure includes a menu to enable access to drive configuration choices, another menu enables the operator to view the diagnostic messages, another to change the password settings.
In Local mode, the operator can directly control the device through the use of keys on the keypad. The operator can command the motor to move in reverse or forward motion, stop the motor, run at a predefined speed, or move at Jog speed which is also a predefined speed. The Run speed and Jog speed are set through the menu options. The operator can also move between Local and Remote mode.
In Remote mode, the keys enable the user to move Up and Down through the menu options, or Escape to the previous menu.