About the TPA-G11S
The Fuji Electric TPA-G11S is a replacement keypad for drives in the Frenic 5000 G11 series. Keypads are standard features for all G11 inversion drives. In this series all keypads are detachable, allowing for remote operation of the drive. Simply removing the front plate provides access to the pad. Using specific cabling will allow users to remotely operate drives found across factories and production lines.
A standard Fuji keypad, the TPA-G11S incorporates a number of features. A four digit LED display provides visual cues to the user. An LCD display is directly underneath, allowing for drive programming and diagnostic information. Displays regarding system operations and outputs are presented on this screen. Nine softkeys complete the keypad. Programming keys include a PRG (program) key, a SHIFT key, and a RESET key. Operation keys on the device include an up (^) key, a down (v) key, a FWD key, REV key, and a STOP key.
Provided storage and installation parameters for the G11 inversion drives should be followed to ensure TPA-G11S operates properly. The drive itself in housed in a NEMA 1 enclosure, allowing for indoor installation only. Factories and production lines for these drives should maintain ambient temperatures between 14℉ and 122℉, or -10℃ and 122℃. For a complete guide to installing the keypad and operating/programming the drive is available in the series manual as well as the datasheets. Fuji Electric, the manufacturer, was the original technical support provider for this device.
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