About the 193X701BEG02
The 193X701BEG02 is what is called a coordination board card. This is a type of printed circuit board or PCB. The 193X701BEG02 was produced by General Electric or GE to be a part of their 193x series.
The 193X701BEG02 has a metal plate on one side of the board. This plate is blue on the top and silver on the bottom half. This plate features the label 0.1% COORDINATION. Three (3) knobs are attached to this plate which are labeled as RESPONSE, STABILITY, and ZERO. At the bottom of this plate, there is a large metal handle. The full part number of this 193x part, 193X701BEG02, is printed on the top left corner of the PCB. On the opposite side of the metal plate, the knobs are attached to three (3) large metal components which they are used to control. Two (2) large yellow capacitors are featured on the surface of the 193X701BEG02. These capacitors are marked as having a capacity of fifty (50) volts DC. These capacitors feature the name POTTER and the part number 0100-5341. The words 8MFD 20% are also written on the capacitors. Many resistors have been positioned all around the 193X701BEG02. Some of these resistors are solid grey and the others are brown with multi-colored bands. There are a total of eleven (11) solid grey resistors featured around the board. There are also six (6) resistors which contain colored bands. These resistors are brown. The bands may be grey, green, purple, yellow, orange, and red.