About the 193X803BBG03
The 193X803BBG03 is a Power Amplifier/Power Supply manufactured by General Electric for their Speed Variator or SCR Drive systems. These systems may be used for the control of machine tools, or for coordinated lines. The Speed Variator system can also be used for test stand systems. Both systems use power and control units and are powered by DC motors. The Speed Variator Drive uses a standard three-phase transformer, while the SCR drive has a remote operator station connected to the power and control unit.
The 193X803BBG03 is built with a large silver and blue front panel. This panel has a single handle that connects at two points on either side near the top third of the panel. One round opening in the panel has been made but closed up by a metal plug. A single rotary potentiometer is located behind this opening. The front panel connects to the base circuit board by two screws.
The 193X803BBG03 is built with five transformers, a single inductor, the aforementioned rotary potentiometer, and several large through-hole capacitors. It also has several carbon composite resistors mounted to the board, as well as polyester vinyl capacitors that are mounted to metal uprights. The board uses several instances of surface wiring from components to metal connectors on the board. If the board begins to have any issues with performance, these connections should be checked for proper contact.
The bottom of the 193X803BBG03 PCB is fitted with heat sinks to allow board components to disperse heat and maintain a proper working temperature.