About the 531X100CCHAPM1
The 531X100CCHAPM1 is a large VA-4 Control board. The 531X100CCHAPM1 is manufactured by General Electric and is meant for industrial applications. The 531X100CCHAPM1 has twenty-one Integrated Circuits. Also referred to as microchips, chip, or IC for short, these components store data. The data contained within these Integrated Circuits allows the 531X100CCHAPM1 to perform its duties. Some Integrated circuits can be programmed (EPROM) while others cannot (EEPROM). The 531X100CCHAPM1 has over one-hundred resistors. A resistors purpose is to allow for unneeded energy to escape. However, in doing so the resistors let off heat. Please consult your lead engineer to ensure the circuit board is attached to the proper power supply to prevent an overheating issue. The 531X100CCHAPM1 has over one-hundred diodes. Diodes control energy flow through them. The diode generally has a small line on either end of it. The energy will flow in the direction towards the line, however, it doesn’t flow in the opposite direction. The 531X100CCHAPM1 also has over twenty various capacitors. Capacitors (also called condensers) store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator. This creates an electrical field that doesn’t allow any energy to unwantedly escape.
AX Control is available through email or by phone to provide more information or a price quote. Contact us today.
*General Electric has provided the initial technical support. The staff at AX Control recommends referring to the original manufacturer's manual for safety procedures and instruction on how to install the part.
**The 531X100CCHAPM1 is considered an obsolete part.