About the 531X111PSHAMG3
The GE Terminal Board Relay Card 531X111PSHAMG3 supplies the 5 V dc, 15 V dc, and 24 V dc current used by the drive. It also features the pulse transformer for the motor field circuitry. The GE Terminal Board Relay Card 531X111PSHAMG3 is a static sensitive device and it requires special consideration to avoid damage. The board comes wrapped in a plastic bag with anti-static properties. Keep the board in the bag until you are ready to install it. Best practice is to not handle the board and keep it in the box in which is arrives. Store the board in a safe place and limit others access to it to avoid damage.
When you are ready to install the board, open the lid on the shipping carton and lift the board out by holding the board by the edges. Do not touch the components on the board. You can easily damage the components by applying pressure on them when picking up the board. The components might break off or you might bend connector pins or jumper pins.
Another guideline is to limit your movement during the procedure. While you move, static can build up around you through the air or while walking over some surfaces. The most important step is to wear a wrist strap. One end of the wrist strap is attached to your wrist and the other end has a clip that you can attach to bare metal on a workbench or other surface.