About the 531X139APMABM6
The 531X139APMABM6 is a circuit board created by General Electric, for industrial purposes. The 531X139APMABM6 is a large circuit board with many components. The 531X139APMABM6 has forty-eight microchips. These microchips (Integrated Circuits, IC) store data for the 531X139APMABM6. They can be split up further based on programmability. The 531X139APMABM6 has one hundred and twenty-two condensers. The 531X139APMABM6 has one hundred and twenty-five resistors. Resistors are used to slow down the flow of energy by dispersing energy that is not being used. However, consult with your engineer about the resistors on the circuit board and what they can handle. If a resistor is hooked up to too strong a power source they will overheat and fail, causing your circuit board to short out. The 531X139APMABM6 has a crystal oscillator. This device uses crystals to create an electrical signal with a highly precise frequency. The most common uses for crystal oscillators are wrist watches, clocks, radios, and even cell phones. The 531X139APMABM6 has five male terminal ports, that use ribbon style wiring harnesses to connect and communicate with other circuit boards. The 531X139APMABM6 has four small silver circular transistors. Transistors can be found in everything from industrial uses to radios.
AX Control specializes in hard to find circuit boards and parts. We strive to be your one stop shop for all your Automation needs.
Please call or email the skilled staff at AX Control for additional information or a quote on the 531X139APMABM6.
** The 531X139APMABM6 is considered an obsolete circuit board.