About the 531X139APMACG2
The 531X139APMACG2 is a PCB Micro Application Board. The 531X139APMACG2 is produced by one of the leading companies in the automation industry General Electric. The 531X139APMACG2 has twenty-eight Integrated Circuits or microchips. These relatively small devices are tiny circuit boards that are enclosed and hold the codes to operate the 531X139APMACG2. The 531X139APMACG2 has one hundred capacitors. The capacitors also go by the name condensers because they condense energy into an electrical field. The 531X139APMACG2 has five male terminal ports used in conjunction with wiring harnesses to connect with surrounding circuit boards. The 531X139APMACG2 has twenty-one sets of Jumper Ports. These Jumper Ports have small covers that are used by the engineer to alternate between the Jumper Ports and act like ON / OFF switches to control the energy flow throughout the circuit board. The 531X139APMACG2 has one hundred and nineteen resistors. These resistors are used to expel unneeded energy by converting the energy into heat. The resistors are susceptible to overheating if the power source connected to the circuit board it to high. The 531X139APMACG2 has two green towers with six screws on each tower. These towers allow for up to twelve cables to be secured to the circuit board. The 531X139APMACG2 is considered among the obsolete circuit boards by General Electric. AX Control prides itself in dealing with the obsolete products, that can help get your company back up and running.
Please call or email AX Control’s wonderful staff for a quote or additional information on the 531X139APMACG2.