About the 531X139APMANM7
The 531X139APMANM7 was manufactured by General Electric. General Electric has since stopped producing this circuit board and has dubbed it obsolete. Here at AX Control we stock obsolete and hard to find products. We strive to be your one stop shop for all your automation needs. The 531X139APMANM7 is known as a Micro Application card. The 531X139APMANM7 uses many components to achieve its purpose. The 531X139APMANM7 uses chips to hold all the instruction the circuit board is meant to follow. These chips also referred to as Integrated Circuits or microchips are varies sized encased circuit boards. The 531X139APMANM7 stores energy as needed in components referred to as condensers or capacitors. In order to store the energy, the condensers (capacitors) create an electrical field as the energy passes through it. If the 531X139APMANM7 should need to rid itself of unneeded energy it is done through the many restrictors that convert the energy into heat. The 531X139APMANM7 uses Jumper Ports to open and close smaller circuits across the circuit board using small movable covers that act as an ON / OFF switch. The 531X139APMANM7 uses Variable Resistors to control the volume of energy that travels through the circuit board. It uses a knob to accomplish this. Variable Resistors can also be found in every day items like your volume knob on your radio. The 531X139APMANM7 has a small piece called a crystal oscillator. Like the name suggests it uses a crystal to create a specific and precise frequency.
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