About the 531X175SSBAFM1
The 531X175SSBAFM1 is a large circuit board produced by General Electric. The 531X175SSBAFM1 has all of its control data located amongst its thirty-six Integrated Circuits. These enclosed circuits are also referred to as ICs, chips or microchips in operation manuals. The 531X175SSBAFM1 uses small prongs known as Jumper Ports to control smaller energy circuits around the circuit board. The Jumper Ports are controllable using small sleeves that slide over the prongs. These sleeves can open or close of the energy circuits based on how the engineer wants the 531X175SSBAFM1 to function. The 531X175SSBAFM1 uses a few diodes to control energy flow. The diodes have a small line or mark at one end. This mark is used to show the engineer which way the current is flowing. In order to store energy to use later, the 531X175SSBAFM1 uses condensers (also called capacitors in manuals). The condensers on this circuit board range from strips to small in size. The 531X175SSBAFM1 is also capable of expelling energy it doesn’t need. The energy is turned into heat and expelled through the resistors across the circuit board. The 531X175SSBAFM1 has two red light emitting diodes (LEDs), two small red boxes with a white toggle switch on the top. The 531X175SSBAFM1 also has a red box with a metal toggle switch. The 531X175SSBAFM1 uses a crystal oscillator to create a precise frequency. The 531X175SSBAFM1 has thirty-six metal strips along the top edge of the circuit board.
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