About the 531X175SSBAYM2
General Electric is the manufacture of a VA-4 Dual Channel BIU circuit board with the part number 531X175SSBAYM2.
The 531X175SSBAYM2 uses Jumper Ports to control the smaller circuits on the surface of the circuit board. The 531X175SSBAYM2 stores the data to help it operate split between thirty-six Integrated Circuits.
When looking in a manual the Integrated Circuits may also be identified as IC’s, chips or microchips. The 531X175SSBAYM2 has a toggle switch on the upper edge of the circuit board. Next to this toggle switch is two red light emitting diodes (LEDs).
The 531X175SSBAYM2 has thirty-six gold metal strips on the upper edge of the circuit board. Along the bottom is a multi-pronged metal male terminal used for connection purposes.
The 531X175SSBAYM2 has two components that seem to be the polar opposite. One disperses energy while the other stores' energy. The component that disperses energy is known as a resistor. The resistor converts energy into heat in order to get rid of it. The component that stores the energy is known by one of three names condensers, capacitors, or condensators.
The 531X175SSBAYM2 has a crystal oscillator in the center of the circuit board. The crystal oscillator uses a crystal to create a precise frequency. Crystal oscillators are also found in the clocks and watches you look at on a daily basis. The 531X175SSBAYM2 has two red boxes with a white switch on the top.
The 531X175SSBAYM2 has no longer in production by General Electric.
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