About the 531X185CPTAKG1
The 531X185CPTAKG1 is a VA-5 Conv. Pulse Transformer circuit board. This circuit board is manufactured by General Electric. The 531X185CPTAKG1 is a large circuit board with many large pieces. The 531X185CPTAKG1 has nine large black resistors. All the large resistors have the following printed on the side: HE1-8808, FS-20S-1 N, 104X123DA010, 2.2 C/C. This is a code to tell the engineer the capability of these resistors. There are two smaller black resistors with the following printed on the side: CG5, 33Ω 5%, 3W. There are also thirty-eight resistors with strips know as axial-lead resistors. The strips are various colors and allow the engineer to calculate their ability using an equation and a color code which gives each colored strip a numerical value. The 531X185CPTAKG1 has fifteen black diodes with a small grey line at one end. The line is used to show the energy’s movement (it flows toward the line). The 531X185CPTAKG1 has three sets of Jumper Ports. Each Jumper Port has two positions and can be changed using the sleeve caps. The 531X185CPTAKG1 has six small yellow capacitors, one blue tower capacitor with 100UF-30V, LC-E 85°
C, 52-8925 written on the side, and four large silver capacitors with CSC, .22-1200VDC-660 VAC, 104X122AA441, P168116, 8949, 4, written on the side. These large capacitors are also secured with a zip tie to keep them stable. The 531X185CPTAKG1 has six transformers along the upper edge. Near the seconded, fourth and sixth transformer is a small red LED. In between the first and second, the third and fourth, and the fifth and sixth transformers are two male clips.
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