About the 531X185CPTALG1
The 531X185CPTALG1 is a board component manufactured by GE as part of the DC-300 drive. It can also be used in other general purpose drive systems manufactured by General Electric. GE general purpose drives are flexible, powerful systems primarily used in industrial applications. Your user guide or system manual will help you establish if your particular system is compatible with the 531x series of boards.
The 531X185CPTALG1 is a long rectangular shaped board with few components. The bottom edge of the board has six transformers placed in single well-spaced line. Three of these components are paired with a red LED indicator. Each of the components has a two-pin header connector nearby, along with three resistors of varying materials.
The 531X185CPTALG1 has three fuse components mounted into fuse clips. The board has four through-hole electrolytic capacitors and one supercapacitor. It has wire wound resistors, carbon composite resistors, and metal film resistors.
The 531X185CPTALG1 is marked with the code VA-5. It is drilled twice in each corner and had additional drill marks within the body of the board. The board is built with two vertical pin cable connectors (male,) as well as multiple stab-on connectors. The center of the board is taken up by a printed table on the surface that allows users to have information for board function immediately available to them. For more information on the operation of this board, or for information on board components, please refer to manuals, data sheets, or user guides from this series that reference this particular board number.