About the 531X211KLDACG1
The 531X211KLDACG1 is a display card. The 531X211KLDACG1 was created by General Electric. The 531X211KLDACG1 has three jumper ports. The jumper ports are on and off switches for circuits around the surface of the circuit board. The 531X211KLDACG1 multiple (32) LEDs also called light emitting diodes. The 531X211KLDACG1 has seven LED style faceplates. The LED faceplates are connected to the circuit board with ten screws. The six LED faceplates that sit side by side share a screw, in order to secure the circuit board. The faceplates have ten LED sections that illuminate with numbers. The 531X211KLDACG1 has one tiny diode that makes a “one-way street” for the energy flow. The 531X211KLDACG1 has fifteen microchips. The microchips are varying sizes. The 531X211KLDACG1 also has one small area for an additional microchip to be added. Microchips are also called chips, Integrated Circuits, or IC’s in various manuals. The 531X211KLDACG1 has three enclosed male terminal ports and one open male port. The 531X211KLDACG1 contains seven resistors. The resistors purpose is to scatter any unused energy. Should the circuit board need to keep energy it is to be stored the forty-four condensers also called capacitors in the English language. These parts use electrical fields to store the energy. The 531X211KLDACG1 has one transistor. To amplify electronic signals.
Should you like more information, or a price quote please call or email the staff at AX Control.
*AX Control would like to mention that you should use General Electric’s multiple data sheets and instruction manuals for circuit board specifications or safety instructions.