About the 531X300CCHACM1
The 531X300CCHACM1 is a VA-4 Control card. This card was manufactured by General Electric but is no longer in production and considered obsolete. The 531X300CCHACM1 is controlled by its multiple chips (also called microchips, integrated circuits or IC for short). The microchips control how the entire circuit board flows and function. They are used to tell the circuit board when to send an energy current to the capacitors also called condensers to be stored in their electrical field. They tell the circuit board when to send an energy current to the resistors because the circuit board has no use for it. They tell the light emitting diodes on the circuit board when to illuminate. They tell the circuit board how and when to communicate when the two Daughter boards are connected using the multiple male terminal plugs. They tell the single crystal oscillator what frequency it is required to make. They tell the circuit board which way the energy should flow to which diodes. Some of the integrated circuits can have new programming added when a more efficient way to operate is found. The 531X300CCHACM1 also uses small blue boxes called variable resistors to control a tiny amount of energy flow in the location they are placed. The 531X300CCHACM1’s energy flow can also be influenced by an engineer by moving caps on jumper ports to open or close the energy circuits on the top of the board. For details on how this circuit board functions please refer to the instruction manuals and data sheets, the General Electric has produced.