About the 531X302DCIBAG1
General Electric is the manufacture of the instrumentation board with the part number 531X302DCIBAG1. The 531X302DCIBAG1 has many larger components. Some of these components do have a metal brace on them. The 531X302DCIBAG1 has a small red box with four white buttons. The 531X302DCIBAG1 has two crystal oscillators. The 531X302DCIBAG1 has one small transformer, one medium transformer, and one large transformer. The transformers purpose is to transfer electrical energy between multiple circuits. The 531X302DCIBAG1 uses diodes to direct energy flow. The 531X302DCIBAG1 can store energy in its capacitors. The capacitors also called condensers come in various sizes from tiny and bead-like all the way up to large canisters. Each size holds a different amount of energy in the fields that they create. Should the 531X302DCIBAG1 like to remove energy it will direct it to the multiple resistors. The resistors can change the energy to heat, so it can dissipate. The 531X302DCIBAG1 has six metal male terminals. These terminals are used in conjunction with female terminals to attach the 531X302DCIBAG1 with the surrounding circuit boards. The circuit board also has eight holes, one in each corner and one in the center edges of the circuit board. These holes are used to attach this circuit board securely into your systems set up. The 531X302DCIBAG1 is no longer in production. General Electric has manuals and data sheets available for this circuit board.
If you would like to receive a quote on the 531X302DCIBAG1 or additional information, please email or call AX Control’s skilled staff.