About the 531X303MCPAYG1
The 531X303MCPAYG1 is a Power Supply card. The 531X303MCPAYG1 is a product of General Electric. The 531X303MCPAYG1 has large canister style capacitors, bar style capacitors, circular style capacitors, to variously sized bead style capacitors. Each capacitor has a predetermined amount of energy that they can store. Obviously, the larger the capacitor the more energy it can hold. The 531X303MCPAYG1 has several transistors to change and amplify signals as the circuit board requires. The 531X303MCPAYG1 utilizes a few different styles of components to direct energy flow like jumper pegs, diodes, and variable resistors. Jumper pegs allow for manual control by moving sleeve style caps to turn certain circuits on while turning others off. The diodes control energy on there own by being a type of “check valve”. This means the diode only allows energy to flow in a single direction through it. The variable resistors are also a manual style of energy control. The variable resistors have a small knob or dial on it that can be turned to allow a little or a lot of energy to flow through it (only up to one watt). The 531X303MCPAYG1 has six fuses to protect the circuit board from surges in power. To connect the circuit board into the main system the 531X303MCPAYG1 has eleven male ports. These male ports easily snap into a female wiring harness. The 531X303MCPAYG1 also has six metal brackets.
To receive more information or a price quote for the 531X303MCPAYG1 please reach out to AX Control via email or phone.