About the 531X304IBDANG1
531X304IBDANG1--Base Drive Board
The 531X304IBDANG1 is a board component fabricated and released by GE as a part for their general purpose drive systems like the AC-300 or the DC-300.
The 531X304IBDANG1 is a Base Drive Board. This board has a secondary board number of F31X304IBDAMG1. It is also marked by codes like C-ESS and 006/09. It is designed with mounting holes in each corner. The card has several small slots cut in its surface; these are typically transversed by components.
Essentially, the 531X304IBDANG1 is divided into three equal parts with components repeating with minor variations between these parts. Each part includes a transistor, two heat sinks, and a vertical pin header connector. Each section also has a number of transistors, jumper switches, integrated circuits, and resistor network arrays, as well as diodes, resistors, and capacitors.
Other components on the board include a vertical pin (male) cable connector. This is located along the top edge of the board. There is a two-pin header connector located on the bottom edge of the board. There are six red LED indicators placed in a single line near the top of the board.
More information regarding the 531X304IBDANG1 board may be found through publications originally distributed by General Electric. This includes data sheets, series user guides, and drive manuals. GE was originally responsible for all technical support for the 531X304IBDANG1 and other boards in this series.
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