About the 531X308PCSADG2
The GE Power Connection Board 531X308PCSADG2 is a renewal part for multiple original equipment power connection boards. The only step in configuring the 531X308PCSADG2 board is to set the JP1 and JP2 jumpers to enable the board to deliver the voltage required for the operation of the drive. The instructions that come with the board list the drive models, the voltages defined for the models, and the jumper positions. You can use your fingers or a pair of pliers to hold the jumpers.
The drive features diagnostics tools that can help you determine if the board is defective. The diagnostics can identify any problems with the components of the drive so it is a good policy to review the diagnostics before you replace components. Run the diagnostics again after the replacement and compare the results. If the problem is corrected, the diagnostics result will verify the repair action was correct.
The control panel of the drive can be used to gain access to the diagnostic tools. The tools are a menu option. Other options enable you to edit and view the application programming for the drive. The keypad enables you to move around the options, including the diagnostic option. The control panel display can show you the results of the tests, or you can download them to a laptop. Look for evidence that the board is defective.
After the repair action is taken and you have restarted the drive you can run the diagnostics again. On a laptop you can display the before and after diagnostics.