About the F31X191RTBAFG3
The F31X191RTBAFG3 is a board component manufactured by the General Electric Company for use within their general purpose drives like the DC-300. These are flexible, powerful drives typically used in industrial settings. The F31X191RTBAFG3 board is part of the 531x series of boards. Your manual or user guide will help determine compatibility.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The F31X191RTBAFG3 is a narrow, long board that has only a few repeating components on it. Down the center of the board, there is a line of seven Aromat ice cube relays. In between each of these is a metal oxide varistor or MOV. MOVs are used to protect electronics from switching and induced surges. To the side of each of these relays, there is an LED component, a metal film resistor, a diode, and a jumper switch. The top corner of the board has a single vertical pin header connector. Each component has a reference designator. The F31X191RTBAFG3 has a single terminal strip located on the other side of the relays. This component has fifty-one screw connections. Each connection is individually numbered and labeled. Different sections of this terminal strip correspond with different relays.
The F31X191RTBAFG3 is marked with codes like 002/0, FR00/0, 049, and VA-5. It is also marked with a secondary board number (531X191RTBAFG3) and the board use. Each corner is drilled to allow for mounting. More information on the board and its components may be found through publications like manuals and user guides from General Electric. These publications will also provide installation guidelines, handling procedures, and safety recommendations.