About the IS200EBKPG1A
Part number IS200EBKPG1A is part of the Innovation EX2100 Series. The EBKP acronym in the part number stands for exciter backplane. The IS200EBKPG1A model is the backplane that I/O connectors and I/O control boards connect to; the purpose of the EBKP modules is to provide an independent power supply when sections C, M1, and M2 are being used.
The boards typically connected to sections M1 and M2 are EMIO, ESEL, DSPX, ACLA, and EISB. Section C of the IS200EBKPG1A will only have a connection to boards DSPX, EMIO, and EISB. The EBKP modules have the capability to connect other control boards through the backplane, an example of boards that can be connected through the backplane are the EXTB board and EMIO board.
The IS200EBKPG1A module consists of DIN connectors that are used for plug-in control boards, these DIN connectors are located on the top half of the board. The IS200EBKPG1A will connect to the EACF board, such as the IS200EACFG3B, this board will connect through a cable that can reach up to ninety meters in length.
On the bottom half of the board, there are a total of six bridges, the bridges are used to produce a high field current and will share current loads in relation to the exciter.