About the IS200EBKPG1C
There are three sections within the IS200EBKPG1C model, these sections have different boards that can be connected to the corresponding section, for example in section C the only boards that can be connected are the EISB, EMIO, and DSPX. The connectors that are in section C, are J314, J315, J414, J415, J514, and J515. The J315, J415, J514, and J515 connectors have specific connections as well, J315 will connect to the EPCT board, J415 will connect to the ECTB board, J514 will connect to one of the EACF boards, and J515 will connect to an EXTB board. Each board has a specific function, and are all input/output terminal boards.
If you have any questions regarding the installation of the IS200EBKPG1C refer to the GEH-6632 EX2100 Excitation Control User’s Guide, this manual lists the connections and the functions of the boards that will be connected to the EBKP model.