About the IS200ERRRH1A
Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay model IS200ERRRH1A is part of either the Innovation Series or the EX2100 Excitation Control System Series made by General Electric Industrial Systems; a subsidiary company under the greater General Electric manufacturing umbrella. The EX2100 Series, as you have probably been able to tell based off of its full extended series name, specifically pertains excitation control processes. This IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board device is actually not the originally-developed product of this specific EX2100 Series functionality, as that would have to be considered the IS200ERRRH parent Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board noticeably missing this IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay device's sole A-rated functional product revision.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
The board has both male and female plug connectors, the female connectors are typically along one of the long edges of the board. There are four transformers as well as four relay components on the board. Typically the IS200ERRRH1A board will be used in redundancy mode. This board does not have a front faceplate. The IS200ERRRH1A model appears to not have any test points, jumpers or LEDs integrated within the board. While this board may not have any of the aforementioned parts the model does have capacitors, does, resistors, oscillating chips, and over forty integrated circuits. There are drill holes on this board, some of which have been ringed with a conductive material. The IS200ERRRH1A board is mostly obsolete at this time due to GE no longer manufacturing this board. AX Control in Raleigh, North Carolina does its best to keep this control board on the shelves. Our team can also help repair this board for you if your board has taken any damage, for more information regarding the repair price of your board please reach out to us during our business hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Given the fact that this IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board device's original EX2100 Excitation Control System Series is not longer in active production by its original manufacturer today, the IS200ERRRH1A functional product number can actually be accessed as a decently-valid supplemental source of IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board hardware component and component specification information, as it codes for these details through a specific series of General Electric-formulated functional naming segments. To illustrate, the IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board's functional product number begins with a dual-functional naming tag in the IS200 series tag delegating both this IS200ERRRH1A Exciter Regulator Redundant Relay Board's normal EX2100 Series assembly version as well as its domestic original manufacture location. Some of the other relevant hardware details that can be exposed upon diligent analysis of the IS200ERRRH1A functional product number include this ERRR-abbreviated Board's:
- ERRR functional product abbreviation
- Conformal PCB coating type
- Group one EX2100 Series product grouping
- A-rated primary functional product revision