About the IS215ACLEH1AC
This IS215ACLEH1AC General Electric Printed Circuit Board was manufactured by GE Industrial Systems for use in their specialized Innovation Series. With this being true, the IS215ACLEH1AC PCB gains its attribution as a General Electric PCB due to GE Industrial Systems' status as a subsidiary manufacturing company of greater industry giant General Electric. This printed circuit board or PCB is better-definable by its original designated functional description as an Application Control Layer Module, as it is described as in original instructional manual materials surrounding the product. This ACLE module is actually a revised version of a different GE Industrial Systems component circuit board; modifying the IS215ACLEH1 module through its presence of two crucial functional revisions, rated at A and C respectively.
Hardware Tips and Specifications
Unlike many other similarly-appearing GE Industrial Systems Innovation Series modules, this IS215ACLEH1AC model PCB has an elevated level of product-specific instructional manual materials that provide the prospective buyer with insight into its configuration. This IS215ACLEH1AC board has intended functionality within the Innovation Series drive assembly as a communicator across any applicable Ethernet or ISbus communication networks as needed. It should be noted that this IS215ACLEH1AC board is dually-applicable to GE Industrial System's EX2100 Series of exciter control system products, as well.
In both the EX2100 Series Assembly as well as the Innovation Series assembly, this IS215ACLEH1AC Module is considered a dual-slot board; taking up two half-slots in each applicable board rack, as indicated by the product's unique IS215 series alignment tag. Other crucial hardware components mentionable for this IS215ACLEH1AC board include its three visible ports; two communication ports and a singular ethernet ports. As with any hardware element included in the GE printed circuit board's board configuration, these ports have been intuitively labeled, with nomenclatures of COM1, COM2, and ENET respectively. Twelve total diagnostic LED indicators are included in this ACLE-abbreviated module's assembly; eight of which are grouped together as "STATUS"-labeled LEDs. The remaining LEDs incorporated into this IS215ACLEH1AC board's faceplate are individually-labeled, including:
- The "OK" LED
- The "ENET" LED
To configure or upgrade your IS215ACLEH1AC Application Control Layer Module after purchase, usage of the standard GE Control Systems Toolbox is required. The information on this page concerning this ACLE-abbreviated PCB is truly reminiscent of its unrevised parent PCB, as originally-developed instructional manual materials tend to focus on unrevised versions.