About the DS215UCVBG3A
The DS215UCVBG3A model is a printed wiring board within the LS2100 Series produced by General Electric Industrial Systems. The board is equipped with several features which include two Genius LAN ports, two DLAN+ ports, 4M of flash memory, 16 M of DRAM, and a 586-133 Pentium processor. The standard hardware on this model is two DS200UCVAG1 boards, two MicroGeni boards, and an IV-586 board.
The DS215UCVBG3A model is used on three specific power requirements. Typically it will operate on a positive or negative twelve volts of direct current when at its peak, the negative power will be at approximately 200 mA; and the positive power will be at approximately 900 mA. When the model is in the VME control rack it will occupy up to four of the slots, when attached all of the slots except the third from the left must have a P1 connector.
When the DS215UCVBG3A model is being operated within the VME rack it requires forced cooling, to do so auxiliary fans must be used. To find more information on the auxiliary fans and all information regarding what is needed to power this model refer to the GEH-6371 Unit Controller 2000/VME User’s Guide.