About the IS200FCGEH1A
The IS200FCGEH1A model is mainly used to provide signal interfacing between the motor field exciter and Load Commutated Inverter (LCI) drive. This board has two primary functions, two functions being, to condition current and voltage feedback signals from the exciter bridge to the LCI processor board, and to relay cell gating commands from the processor board to the exciter. Within the FCGE board, there are six analog inputs on the P2 connector of the board, the signals are typically used to be attenuated within the exciter’s power bridge, which has a multitude of connections for the dc bridge and ac switch configurations.
The IS200FCGEH1A model has ground faults detection which will detect any ground faults from the dc exciter bridge and will check the dc voltage that is centered on the ground potential. If anything is detected the FCGE will trigger a protective signal. This model also has two green LEDs on the faceplate of the board, IMOK and ACTIVE, the ACTIVE LED will be one when communicating with the processor board, and the IMOK will blink to indicate that the self-test was passed and the board is functioning correctly.
The parts manual for the IS200FCGEH1A board is the GEI-100233, all information can be found in this manual.