About the IC3600ALTA1
The IC3600ALTA1 is a FANUC GE Linear Taper Card for the Mark I and Mark II series. Both of these series were created by GE for gas and steam turbine management. The MKI/MKII are the first of GE’s Speedtronic series, originally released in the late 1960s and early 1970s. These systems featured single or double redundancies on critical controls/protection parameters to improve running reliability. They were designed for adaptability, accurate performance, and quick response, and can manage systems from 4000 hp to 400 Mw (combined capacity.) Both systems have a track record of use in temperatures ranging from -50 degrees Celsius to +50 degrees Celsius.
The IC3600ALTA1 is a small card with few components. Like most cards in the MKI/MKII series, it has metal pins attached in a line on one edge with numbering beneath. There are twenty-five pins in this line. These pins function as a backplane to connect the board into the rest of the Speedtronic system using wiring that wraps around the pins.
The IC3600ALTA1 is built with two potentiometers. The components are trim potentiometers. It has several metal film resistors and four large carbon composite resistors. The board has seven transistors of various types and sizes. Two are fitted with heat sinks. Capacitors may be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position.
The IC3600ALTA1 is drilled in two corners. The board is marked on its back side with the number “68A98915001.” This part will be shipped to you from our facility in a protective static-reducing sleeve or covering.