About the IC3600EPST1A
The IC3600EPST1A is part of General Electric’s Mark I and Mark II series. The IC3600EPST1A has five large yellow polypropylene capacitors, one long black capacitor, and two white and red capacitors. Capacitors are used to create an energy field to store energy for later use. The IC3600EPST1A has twenty-three small circular diodes that are a combination of both blue and yellow in color. The diodes only allow energy to flow in one direction through them, thus controlling the energy flow through the circuit board. The IC3600EPST1A has two long grey rectangular resistors, one large grey cylindrical resistor, eight smaller dark-colored resistors with banding and one large dark colored resistor with banding. The banding on the resistors is part of a color code that shows how much energy they can restrict. The other resistors without banding have the restriction code printed on it. There are two large circular bounds of wire with black circular tops held on by small silver nuts. These components are called transformers. A transformer is a static electrical device that transfers electrical energy between two or more circuits through electromagnetic induction. The transformers are used to increase or decrease the alternating voltages in electric power applications. Along one of the longer edges is a row of twenty-five metal pins (male terminals) that stick out horizontally and also go up vertically at the back end. These metal pins are used to connect to other circuit boards.
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