About the IC3600EPZU1C
The IC3600EPZU1C is a GE FANUC Power Supply Board designed as a component for the Mark I and the Mark II Speedtronic series. Developed for steam and gas turbine management, these two series were the first in the Speedtronic series to be released by GE, the MKI in 1969 and the MKII in 1973. Since then, both have logged millions of accumulated hours of use in systems as varied as small single turbine 4000 hp units to power stations rated at 400 Mw combined cycles. They have been used on every continent except Antarctica, in temperatures ranging from -50C to +50C. Originally designed to be adaptable and scalable, the MKI and MKII have proven themselves to be those things.
The IC3600EPZU1C is built with one fuse. It has five diodes (two different types,) and two wire-wound resistors. These resistors are marked “2147902” 10k 5% 10W and “2147901” 1K 5% 10W. The board also uses one capacitor of polyester vinyl material. and nine capacitors of aluminum electrolytic material. These capacitors are placed on the board in three lines of three. They are through-hole components. Each capacitor is marked with its rating information. The board also has one metal oxide varistor. This is marked MOV1. This variable resistor is used to protect heavy devices from transient voltages and is used as a line voltage surge suppressor.
One edge of the IC3600EPZU1C is fitted with twenty-five metal pins. These pins connect the board into the larger Speedtronic system and allow communication to occur via wiring connections made to the pins.
Technical support for the IC3600EPZU1C was provided by GE. This includes all publications like data sheets and manuals.