About the IC3600EPZU1E
The Power Supply card marked IC3600EPZU1E is a FANUC component designed for the Mark I and Mark II Speedtronic systems. These systems were developed and designed by GE for steam/gas turbine management. They were designed with adaptable and scalable qualities. Both systems have been used in temperatures ranging from -50C to +50C, and have managed single turbine systems (heavy duty 4000 hp) to full power stations with combined cycles of 400 Mw. They are able to control, sequence, protect, and monitor the turbine and its auxiliaries, as well as annunciate malfunctions within the system.
The IC3600EPZU1E carries the GE logo. The card has twenty-five metal pins fitted into its surface, and underneath, the board has the numbers 1, 5, 15, 25, 35, 45, and 51. When fitted into the Speedtronic frame, wires are attached to these pins for communication purposes. The card is also marked with its identification number, with “006/01” and “002/01,” and with the letters “EPZU” and “PDA.”
Components on the IC3600EPZU1E include one fuse, five diodes, two wire-wound resistors, and ten capacitors. The resistors are marked on their top edge with their resistance. Capacitors are made primarily of an aluminum electrolytic material and are placed on the board in a three by three pattern, but the board also uses one polyester vinyl capacitor. The board is also fitted with one metal oxide varistor. This is a voltage-dependent resistor. The component is marked MOV1. Varistors are used to suppress voltage surges and to protect connected devices from transient voltages.
AX Control will ship the IC3600EPZU1E in a protective covering designed to reduce static. Once your part is received, we suggest reviewing all safety data and installation parameters available to you from retained OEM publications such as data sheets or manuals.