About the IC3600KMRA9
The IC3600KMRA9 is a GE FANUC component/Rectifier Coil for the Mark I and Mark II series from General Electric. While the MKI and MKII were the first two Speedtronic steam/gas turbine management series from GE, having been released in 1969 and 1973 respectively, they have since been made obsolete by more technologically advanced Speedtronic systems. And yet, many remain in service around the world. Originally designed for adaptability and scalability, the MKI and MKII could be as useful in the running of a single unit pumping station as in the running of a power plant with multiple turbines running combined cycles up to 400 Mw.
The IC3600KMRA9 is a plug-in relay/rectifier coil. Early Speedtronic systems were designed with up to seventy plug-in relays placed in a single cabinet in rows and columns. Such relays were easily replaceable if they failed. The IC3600KMRA9 has a plug configuration of a single large center plug surrounded by fourteen smaller pins located in a concentric circle. A relay diagram of the workings of these pins is located on the side of the silver housing of the rectifier coil. This housing is marked with the part number, with the codes “35AA1208A2” and “MFR1DUQ5” as well as the words “Rect for Coil.” Rectifiers are designed to turn alternating current into direct current using transformers. AC power enters into the first coil of the transformer and creates a moving magnetic field that induces a current in the second coil. This steps down the voltage. Diodes within the rectifier help separate the current into two parts. Capacitors within the rectifier help smooth out the current.
This part will be shipped to your facility in a static-reducing sleeve or covering.