About the IC3600KMRB2
The IC3600KMRB2 is a 14-pin medium duty relay/GE FANUC component for the Mark I or Mark II series of gas or steam turbine management from GE. The first two of the Speedtronic series ever released by General Electric, these two series have been made obsolete over their four decades of service by the release of several other Speedtronic systems, including the MKIV, the MKV, the MKVI, and the most recent MKVIe. Yet many MKI/MKII systems remain in use around the world due to their adaptability and ease of use. Originally designed to be both reliable and scalable, the MKI and MKII have been used for decades to run systems as large as power stations (up to 400 Mw combined cycles) to single turbine units rated to 4000 Hp.
The IC3600KMRB2 is a plug-in type relay. The early Speedtronic system utilized these plug-in relays due to the ease of replacement if a failure occurred. Many of these systems had up to seventy plug-in relays in a single cabinet. The IC3600KMRB2 has a single large plug placed centrally within a concentric circle of fourteen pin plugs. A relay diagram of this configuration is located on the gray housing of the relay.
Relays work upon relay ladder logic (RLL.) Ladder Logic is built upon several function blocks, including Boolean logic (on/off, true/false,) timing, counting, comparisons, simple math with some complex operations possible (tangents, square roots,) and special functions (PID loops, shift registers.) The Relay diagram is based on ladder logic.
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