About the IC3600KMRD9
The IC3600KMRD9 is a GE FANUC component/relay for the Mark I/Mark II series from GE. These two series were the first of the Speedtronic series to be released by General Electric, the MKI in 1969 and the MKII in 1973. While both of these series have become obsolete over the last four decades due to the release of more advanced Speedtronic series like the Mark IV, Mark V, and Mark VI, many of these systems are still in use due to their inherent adaptability and scalability.
The IC3600KMRD9 is a relay designed to plug in. This is a medium duty relay. Older Speedtronic systems used many of these plug-in type relays. Their ease of installation and ability to replace a damaged relay made them very popular for these systems. The MKI and MKII can have up to seventy relays in one frame.
The IC3600KMRD9 is designed with a wide center connector. Fourteen thin pin connectors encircle this middle plug. The relay is encapsulated in a gray housing. This housing is marked with the GE logo, with the part number, and with the code 3SAA1222A2.
The medium-duty relay IC3600KMRD9 works upon RLL, or relay ladder logic. This is a graphical representation of the program designed to look like relay logic. Ladder logic programs show the results of a status check of the inputs and outputs where the conditions are true or not true.
The IC3600KMRD9 will be shipped in a static-reducing sleeve. If publications like manuals or datasheets are available, it is recommended these are reviewed before installation begins.