About the IC3600KRSC2
The IC3600KRSC2 is a component for the Mark I and Mark II series of Speedtronic gas/steam turbine management. Both of these systems were designed to do five basic things: to control the turbine output power over its load range, to make sure its maximum output remains consistent with the unit’s capability, to sequence the unit’s auxiliaries and turbine control parameters during startup, in the event of a non-recoverable system failure, to provide a protective shutdown, and to monitor and annunciate malfunctions within the turbine system. Both systems became obsolete over time as newer, more technologically advanced Speedtronic systems were released. However, obsolete or not, many MKI and MKII systems remain in active use, as they are still reliable and accurate management systems.
The IC3600KRSC2 is a GE FANUC component. The board is drilled in two corners for mounting options. The board has three diodes, which are all mounted vertically. Next to each diode, there is a reed relay attached to the board. Each relay is marked with a relay diagram, the General Electric logo, the codes 68A997222A02 and N.P68A997245 P1. All three relays are marked ‘coil 28 VDC’ and ‘cont. 50 VA.’ Every relay has several wires attached to one end of several colors. Reed relays use an electromagnet to control one or more reed switches. Reed switches contain two or more flexible, metal reeds whose end portions are separated by a gap when the switch is open.
The IC3600KRSC2 is built with multiple metal pins attached to one edge. These components are used for communication. When the IC3600KRSC2 is inserted into a Speedtronic frame the pins are attached to wiring by these pins.