About the IC3600KVSA1E
The IC3600KVSA1E is a Zero Speed Relay board from GE for the Mark I/Mark II series. These series are in use all over the world in applications from utility, marine, pipeline, process, and combined cycles in ambient temperatures that vary from plus to minus 50 degrees Celsius. The MKI/MKII are designed to control, protect, sequence, and monitor the turbine and its auxiliaries, and to annunciate any malfunctions within the system. Designed to be both adaptable and scalable, the MKI and MKII can manage turbine systems from single 4000 hp units to as large as power stations with combined cycle ratings of 400 Mw.
The IC3600KVSA1E has the following specifications:
It has one trim potentiometer.
It has one integrated circuit.
It has five transistors, including two types of transistors.
It has one reed relay. This is marked 28 VDC 50 VA 68 A997168A02 and 68A997229 P2.
It has a relay diagram available.
It carries the GE logo in two places (on the board and on the relay.)
It is factory-drilled in two corners.
It carries its unique board number.
It is marked “DMM” is numbered 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 51.
It has carbon composite resistors and other types of resistors.
It is built with ceramic capacitors and aluminum electrolytic capacitors.
Diodes are marked.
It is a GE FANUC component.
It is fitted with fifty-one metal pins. These pins are a communication device.
The IC3600KVSA1E will be packed carefully and wrapped in a static-reducing sleeve for shipment. It is recommended that technicians review guidelines and safety data from OEM publications like data sheets or manuals before installation of your new part begins.