About the IC3600LDDA1
The IC3600LDDA1 is a GE FANUC Display Driver card for the Mark I/Mark II series. The Mark I and Mark II were the first Speedtronic gas and steam turbine management systems released by GE. Both of these systems have been used in a variety of environments in temperatures ranging from -50C to +50C. The MKI and MKII are both scalable and adaptable and can be used to manage large systems like a 400 Mw power plant as well as small systems like a 4000 hp single turbine piping station.
The IC3600LDDA1 is a smaller board with few components. It carries the GE logo and its unique board number, as well as being numbered along one edge. Fifty-one metal pins are placed in a single parallel line. These function as a communication device or backplane and, once it is connected via wiring, allow the board to communicate with the rest of the system.
The IC3600LDDA1 is built with sixteen transistors and sixteen capacitors. It is worth noting the board is marked only with C1 and Q1, as the entire line of capacitors and both lines of transistors are marked as being one device each. The board also has three lines of resistors. Each line is marked as if it were one component, so the first line is R2, the second R1, and the third R3.
Our team will ship this board in a static-reducing covering or sleeve. Once it is received, we suggest reviewing OEM publications like data sheets or manuals for safety data before beginning the installation of your new part.