About the IC3600LIBB1A
The IC3600LIBB1A is a GE FANUC component for the Mark I and Mark II series. The Mark I and the Mark II were released by GE as the first of the Speedtronic steam/gas turbine management series, followed since with the Mark IV, Mark V, Mark VI, and the Mark VIe. The MKI and MKII have been used for decades in all kinds of environments and ambient temperatures ranging from -50C to +50C. They can be used to manage a small single 4000 hp unit or a whole power station with a rating of up to (combined cycle) 400 Mw. Either system can be configured to the needs of the turbine, including changes in the control panel, in the type of speed control used, as well as what standard features are put into daily use.
The IC3600LIBB1A carries the GE ‘USA’ logo. It is marked with several bits of information, including its board identification number, the codes 006/03, 002/03, 003/02, and 68A988162. It is also marked “STAR” and “ADS.”
The IC3600LIBB1A is fitted with one horizontally mounted polyester vinyl capacitor. This is marked 708D1 +/- 10 M/e. The board has nine other capacitors, which are made from an aluminum electrolytic material, and are marked 25v 5 µf. All nine of these components are marked “C1,” and are vertically mounted to the board. The board has several lines of resistors; many of these have the same designator (for example, there are multiple “R4” resistors on the board.)
Communication between the Speedtronic system and the IC3600LIBB1A occurs through wiring attached to fifty-one metal pins located along one edge of the board. Please review OEM manuals and data sheets before installation.