About the IC3600LLEA1
The IC3600LLEA1 is a GE FANUC component for the Mark I and Mark II steam or gas turbine management systems. The original Speedtronic management systems, the Mark I’s original commercial release happened in 1969, with the Mark II introduced a few years later in 1973. And while General Electric has continued to improve the Speedtronic line as new innovations have been made available with more technologically advanced systems like the MKV and Mark IVe, the now technologically obsolete MKI and MKII still have a place in real world turbine power control management, due to their adaptability and scalability, their accurate performance and the long life of the systems.
The IC3600LLEA1 functions as a Logic Controller board. It carries several pieces of information on its surface, including the codes 006/03, 003/03, and 68A989005G1, as well as the board number and the GE logo. Numbering on one edge (one to fifty-one) is located under a line of parallel metal pins. When the board is inserted into a Speedtronic frame or chassis, these components attach to wires and function as a communication device.
The IC3600LLEA1 is built with nine vertically mounted polyester vinyl capacitors. All of these components are marked as “C1.” The board also has one horizontally mounted polyester vinyl capacitor (708D1 +/-10% 200 VDC.) This capacitor is marked “C2.” The board has a single line of nine transistors. All components in this line are marked as “Q1.” The board is populated with several lines of metal film resistors. Multiple resistors are marked as a single component. The board is also populated with many diodes.
The IC3600LLEA1 will be protected with a static-reducing sleeve during shipment. We suggest reviewing manuals and/or data sheets for safety data before the installation of your new part. Tech support was provided by GE.