About the IC3600QSPA104B105B
The IC3600QSPA104B105B is a potentiometer relay circuit board manufactured by General Electric (GE) for their Mark I-II series. The Mark I and Mark II are the earliest series created in the Speedtronic Mark line by GE. The Mark I and Mark II, along with the other series in the Mark line are responsible for control gas turbine operations in various industries around the world. These two systems were introduced in 1969 and 1973 respectively.
The IC3600QSPA104B105B is a large rectangular printed circuit board. Four (4) large components occupy much of the space on the board. These large components are devices that are known as relays or contactors. The relays are rectangular and metal with white labels. Grey pieces are featured on either end of the relays. The white labels on these relays feature the part numbers 68A997277C03 and CR120G40B06FC. Also listed is the part’s voltage, which is twenty-eight volts DC (28 VDC). The manufacturing company’s name (General Electric) is printed on the label alongside GE’s symbol. These four (4) relays are attached with blue, yellow, and red wires to a lengthy series of metal prongs aligned on the right edge. With these silver prongs, other circuit boards or components may be added to the IC3600QSPA104B105B. At the top of the IC3600QSPA104B105B, there is a collection of many solid resistors. Most of these resistors are red and others are light grey. A series of four (4) very small diodes are also placed at the top of the IC3600QSPA104B105B. These are ordered in a vertical line to the right of the resistors.