About the IC3600SHCV1B
The IC3600SHCV1B is what is known as a Fanuc circuit board. This is a type of printed circuit board or PCB. The IC3600SHCV1B was created to be a part of the Mark I and Mark II series. The Mark I and Mark II were the earliest two series produced for the Mark line. The Mark lines were created for the control of gas turbines.
Sitting along the right end of the IC3600SHCV1B is a long line of large metal prongs. Twenty-six (26) of these large prongs are aligned on the right edge and are silver in color. The prongs are labeled on the surface of the PCB with the numbers 1, 5, 13, 25, 35, 45, and 51 in yellow writing. Also situated on the right half of the IC3600SHCV1B, there are three (3) large black transformers. Each transformer is topped with a label which features the part number 68A993047G1. The black transformers are rectangular in shape. Three (3) large potentiometers, which may also be known as variable resistors, can be seen on the left end of the IC3600SHCV1B. The potentiometers are rectangular and solid brown. Each potentiometer contains a small knob that may be adjusted to change the resistance of the device. Sitting directly adjacent to each brown potentiometers is a large component which is solid black. Also placed on the left side of the IC3600SHCV1B are a total of six (6) large capacitors. These capacitors are solid silver. They are identifiable with their part numbers and voltage in black writing.