About the IC3600SIXK1
The IC3600SIXK1 is a device which is known as a power sensor circuit board. This is a type of PCB or a printed circuit board. The IC3600SIXK1 was made to be a part of the Speedtronic Mark I and Mark II series. The Mark I and II were the earliest of the series in the Mark line by General Electric or GE.
The IC3600SIXK1 is lined on the bottom edge by a long row of large metal prongs. These metal prongs are silver in color. One (1) solid red jack which contains a pair of two (2) ports is sitting at the upper right corner. This jack is labeled as JC. At the opposing corner at the upper left side, there is another solid red jack which also contains a pair of ports. This second jack is labeled as JB. At the top border of the IC3600SIXK1 in the center, there is a connector port which is solid light blue. This connector port also has two long black pieces. Directly in the center of the IC3600SIXK1, there are three (3) large capacitors. These large capacitors are solid yellow. Their part numbers and voltage are written on the top of each capacitor. At the top of the IC3600SIXK1, there is a series of six (6) small greenish blue capacitors. The capacitors are grouped into two (2) groups of three (3) capacitors each. In the center of the IC3600SIXK1, there is a large collection of resistors and capacitors. The capacitors are small and blueish green. They are labeled as C4, C5, and C6.