About the IC3600SOTD1
The IC3600SOTD1 is an over temperature card produced by General Electric. The IC3600SOTD1 is used in the Mark I and Mark II series. The IC3600SOTD1 has eight dark blue Potentiometers also called Variable Resistors of varying shapes and sizes. The Variable Resistors have small screws in the front of them to control how much energy can go through them. These small screws can be accessed through small holes in the faceplate of the IC3600SOTD1. The IC3600SOTD1 has fifty-five average light blue resistors with multiple stripes on the outside. These stripes come with a color code and an equation to determine the resistance ability of each resistor. The IC3600SOTD1 has four small silver transistors and five small black transistors. Transistors are used to amplify and alter electrical power and electronic signals. The IC3600SOTD1 has two square orange capacitors, four small circular peach capacitors, three average yellow capacitors, two average white capacitors, two large black capacitors. Capacitors come in many shapes and sizes and are used to create electrical fields that store additional energy for the IC3600SOTD1 to use at a later time. The IC3600SOTD1 has about ten small orange and black diodes. A diode only allows energy to flow in one direction through them allowing the diodes to control the flow of energy through the circuit board. The IC3600SOTD1 has over fifty metal male terminal prongs that connect the IC3600SOTD1 to the surrounding system.
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