About the IC3600SSZB1
The IC3600SSZB1 is what is called a speed control board. This is a type of printed circuit board or PCB. The IC3600SSZB1 is one of many boards in the Mark I-II series by General Electric. The MKI and MKII were the earliest series made for the Speedtronic Mark line. These series have been responsible for providing excellent turbine management for nearly five decades. MKI and MKII were first introduced in 1969 and 1973 respectively.
The IC3600SSZB1 is a printed circuit board which features a long metal plate on its left side. This plate features a large red LED or light-emitting diode directly in its center. This LED is attached to the circuit board with white wires. Sitting next to this metal plate, there are four (4) potentiometers. Two (2) of these potentiometers are blue. These blue components are paired together at the edge of the IC3600SSZB1. The remaining two (2) potentiometers are black. One of these, which is larger than the other, is positioned on the bottom half of the IC3600SSZB1 at the edge. The smaller black potentiometer can be found in between the two blue potentiometers. All of the potentiometers, or variable resistors, feature a small knob which may be used to adjust the resistance level of the component. The IC3600SSZB1 is populated with a large number of resistors. Most of these resistors are light blue. They contain a series of colorful bands which symbolize the resistance of each component. A series of transistors in various shapes and sizes can also be seen on the IC3600SSZB1.