About the IC3600TDIA1
The IC3600TDIA1 is a GE FANUC component for the Mark I/Mark II series from GE. GE spent several years in development to create a system that would allow their heavy-duty turbines to run more efficiently, and then in 1969 released the MKI as the first of their popular Speedtronic gas/steam turbine management systems. The MKII was released four years later in 1973. Both systems are designed with the automatic startup of the turbine, which is initiated with a start signal through the Master start/stop signal. Status of the gas turbine, its auxiliaries, and its controls are provided by status lights on the Speedtronic control panel throughout the startup sequence. Synchronization and loading of generator drive units and shutdown of the generator can also be accomplished automatically. While this may not seem amazing given today’s technology, such things were a huge step forward at the time of these systems’ release. Such forward thinking design is one reason why the MKI and MKII are still in use today, over four decades after their initial release.
The IC3600TDIA1 is a Digital Interface card. It is built with three integrated circuits, three transistors, four carbon composite resistors and several lines of resistors made of metal film. Diodes and resistors are mounted horizontally. The board also has four ceramic capacitors. The board uses surface wiring in several places, including three almost parallel wires along one long edge. The board is marked with the GE logo, and has a single line of metal pins populating one long edge.