About the IC3600TPGD1
The IC3600TPGD1 is a Gate Pulse Generator card for the Mark I and the Mark II series of gas and steam turbine management from GE. These were the first systems created by General Electric for their successful Speedtronic line. Both systems were designed to improve the reliability and efficiency of heavy-duty turbines by automating basic systems procedures like startup, sequencing, and shutdown, and by creating redundant back-ups to all critical controls without unneeded complexity. Each of these systems succeeded in these goals using the best technology available at the time of their release. While both the MKI and MKII continue to be used, they are now considered obsolete by GE, as the company continued to move the Speedtronic line forward with new iterations throughout the ‘80s, ‘90s and into the new millennium as better technology became available.
The IC3600TPGD1 is built with seven integrated circuits. Six of these are placed in a single line, with the last placed above the others. All seven circuits are Quadruple 2-input NAND gates with dual-in-line packages and an operating temperature range of zero to 75 degrees Celsius. Each circuit lines up with a single capacitor. The six capacitors that line up with the six lined-up integrated circuits are all marked as “C1.” The integrated circuit placed above the others lines up with a round high-voltage ceramic capacitor.
The IC3600TPGD1 has twelve transistors. Diodes and resistors are placed on the board in lines along the long dimension of the board and are mounted vertically. Resistors tend to be made of metal film.