About the IC3600TSUC1A
The IC3600TSUC1A is a component for the Mark I/Mark II series. The earliest of the Speedtronic series, the MKI and MKII were designed by General Electric to more efficiently manage heavy duty gas and steam turbine systems of varying sizes and complexities. They have been used for decades in every kind of environment in ambient temperatures from minus to plus 50 degrees Celsius. Both systems are now considered obsolete by GE, as the company has continued to make newer systems utilizing newer, faster, smaller technology as it has been made available. However, the MKI and MKII remain in use in many places, in part due to GE’s original focus on creating systems that were adaptable, scalable, and long-lasting.
The IC3600TSUC1A has a silver colored front panel. This panel has an oval-shaped small opening located in the top corner and in the bottom corner. This panel has a single push button and a single toggle switch. The push button is labeled “reset.”
The IC3600TSUC1A carries several bits of information, including the IC3600TSUC1A board number, the code 68A989814G1, and the GE trademark logo. Components on the board include a transformer, marked T1, that takes up about 25% of the board. The board has two lines of ceramic diodes, as well as two larger, more complex diodes. Resistors include two vertically mounted and four horizontally mounted components. The board also uses two capacitors made of aluminum electrolytic material. Surface wiring connects the front panel components to the wiring in the board.